The crypto communication


conspiracy behind the communications.

This article generally explains about the Professional communication skills. the process of delegating feelings. That generally means the way how to communicate with the people transparently but always in an unknown covert way. I can simply say like in an Flock way.

There are thousands of articles which generally explain about communications. And the way how to attract with communication skills. The skills generally exist in every human unless the human realize what they are and what their abilities are. Skills are nothing but the ability which produced physically to make solutions in some problem domain.

The crypto communications are more and more usable skills to human who generally wants to walk in particular Environment of life, Either in polluted environment of life or non polluted environment of life.

First let we discuss about what is CRYPTO communication’s actually?

CRYPTO COMMUNICATION; The way how to generate your words from your internal feelings as an external empathy to understand and it in  positive INTUITIONISTICALLY. Yes in a perspective manner of ego-less way but the delivered word are should be like straight strikes to opponent person in an complicated moving flock of sharp point.

The sharp point as an covert way of meaning but not in a candid way. This is the one of the most crypto, “the secret way”. To generate words from your feelings as an general communication talks. And the talks to skills. This the one of the common example of the crypto communication.
You can easily understand some more major points of crypto communications by following contents.

 Let us we discuss about what is polluted environment of life.

In this topic I’m just considering an polluted environment as life experiences and life experience sensibilities. In an general behavior of “INTUITIONISTICAL-LESS” way
The most disgusting situations are generally happens in tough times of life. And the tough times are, we experience after once we are not having any ability to accept the inferior experiences of life.
And the way how we generally talk in a polluted way are the great source of inferior experiences and to be experience.

The way how we spoke should be not in a position of to reach the rendered unwholesome by contaminants and pollution. This is one of the most CRYPTO. A skill to improve.
No one wants to experience the inferior way of life. And the inferior of life is the way to the polluted environment of life.


If you are altough experiencing the negative situations of life even you are having enough ability to accept the every inferior sensible experience’s, There is the way to handle the situations with CRYPTO communications.

We have to generate words in an  INTUITIONISTICAL way. And the way to permanent skills. The way  INTUITIONISTICAL  is nothing but  spreading well wisdom from your words trough feelings of sensibleness. Being the notion the positiveness, showing courage to accept the negative voice vibrations. Speaking like straight strikes but not candid, in a covert way doing what we say and dancing like nobody watching us. That's the way which decide the INITUTIONISTICLENESS  in a positive dimension to understand the situations. The situations should be handled with the words full of loyalty and fearless. We have to even speak in an complete transparent covert way. And we have to even speak truth if our voice is shaking even. This may cause an great full empathy in between people behind us. If people are with enough empathy on us, there is a positive support to us. If there is positive support to us, there is a positive live to us, if there is a positive live to us, there is positive environment of life. If there is positive environment of life there is a non polluted environment of life.
This is the CRYPTO of life skills.

To maintain an constant non polluted life with CRYPTO communications, there is one such way to live the life. And that is to understand the situations of sensibilities and later you listen the situations with some powerful understanding and you speak when your words are more beautiful than the silence. This is the CRYPTO to improve.

So understand the decisions first with the great courage, later every apprehensions of polluted environment of life will be automatically settle down with improving the CRYPTO communications and CRYPTO skills.

You just believe your communications with purity. This is a great source of crypto communications.


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